Agile on the Beach 2024’s Call for Papers is NOW OPEN!
Share your knowledge, be the voice of Agile, and let’s co-create an unforgettable event…
What kind of sessions are we looking for?
We’re looking for 45 minute experience reports in:
Business Agility
Agile techniques beyond delivery teams e.g. how to change people’s minds, applying agile practices in sales, compliance by design. See Agility in sales – rebooting business development by Brent Hurley in 2023
Product Design & Management
Service design, user research, user experience, product management etc. See My three favourite product discovery mistakes by Laura Morgan in 2023
Software Delivery
Microservices, architecture, testing, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, SRE etc. See Winning at Continuous Deployment – the art of safe contract changes by Chris Simon in 2023
Team Working: ways of working, empowering individuals, story telling, leadership, feedback mechanisms etc. See Squads assemble! keeping engagement high when teams go remote by Emma Burgoyne et al in 2023.
And we’re also looking for 90 minute interactive, collaborative workshops in ways of working, product experimentation, goal setting, and much more. The more interactions, the more collaboration, the better!
What kind of speakers are you looking for?
All submissions are anonymised before being reviewed. Your name, gender, employer, and location are all unavailable to reviewers. You are scored purely on the merits of a submission.
We follow the Berlin Code Of Conduct. We’d gladly accept one or more submissions from you, whoever you are. We’re looking for a range of speakers, so if you have never spoken at a conference before please don’t be shy!
Where can I get help on my submission?
Here are some submission tips, from Andy Nesling (multi-year speaker and AOTB stalwart), and our speaker committee. Be sure to read them over, before sending in your submissions. Sssh!